When Andreas Wijk played a new song for his parents that he just wrote and recorded, he wasn't sure how they would react. Wijk — a 29-year-old singer, famous in Sweden since he was 15 — came out to his parents with music like many young adults would want to do. He shared this heartwarming moment with the world where we can see his mom and dad were in tears, and so were the viewers. (VIDEO) Wijk says he lost a lot of friends when he came out. His best friends turned away, telling him he was going to hell. However, he says, “I never let go of God. Today my family has completely changed and we are also closer than ever.” Social links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faywhattt Queer News Tonight: https://www.youtube.com/c/QNewsTonight/videos It's Happening Out: https://www.youtube.com/c/ItsHappeningOUT/videos Sunshine Cathedral Lumination: The Visioning Conference https://sunshinecathedral.org/conference/ Book a seat now and be a part of this conference https://sunshinecathedral.org/conference/register/ Center for the Performing Arts https://sunshinecathedral.org/sunshine-cathedral-center-for-the-performing-arts/ Book a concert ticket now – Performing artist Tom Goss https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sunshine-cathedral-center-for-the-performing-arts-presents-tom-goss-tickets-305820636757 #song #music #lesbian #comeout #talk #show #funny #gay #podcast #fay #faywhat