Hotspots! in partnership with Pride Fort Lauderdale and CAAB, The City Of Wilton Manors present PrideFête: An LGBTQ+ Caribbean Festival taking place at the enchanting Richardson Historic Park and Nature Preserve on Saturday, August 13th from 6-11pm. The name says it all! Fête, a French word that means party, is wildly used in the Caribbean community to communicate Carnival festivals. And of course Pride is synonymous with us LGBTQ+ Folx denoting our unapologetic self-expression. Combined the the two words, and there you have it, PrideFête – a Carnival inspired party celebrating the food, music and overall spirit of the Caribbean culture for the LGBTQ+ community and our allies. At the door tickets are $7 general admission and $75 VIP, but you can get your tickets now at presale prices! $5 general admission and $50 VIP, which provides guests with festival admission, indoor a/c access with complimentary Caribbean Hors D’oeuvres, 5 free drink tickets to the VIP indoor and outside bar, and premium stage view in the outside VIP tent. Bring your island flag and show your pride because it’s gonna be a Carnival Fête of Island dancing, whining, eating and all out partying in love of the culture. Get your tickets and learn more about the event at