Researchers at Imperial College London have discovered that male monkeys engage in regular same-sex sexual behavior, leading them to be considered “behaviorally bisexual.” The study, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, focused on a wild colony of 1,700 rhesus macaques on a Puerto Rican island over a three-year period, with 236 males being analyzed.
Contrary to previous beliefs, the findings indicate that same-sex sexual behaviors (SSB) have evolved and may be a common occurrence in primate reproduction. Furthermore, the study revealed that monkeys engaging in SSB formed stronger bonds and were more likely to support each other in conflicts. Interestingly, these monkeys also had a higher number of offspring, as reported by the Independent.
Of the recorded social mountings involving the 236 males (both male-on-male and male-on-female), 72 percent engaged in same-sex mounting, while 46 percent participated in different-sex mounting.
Jackson Clive, affiliated with Imperial's Georgina Mace Centre for the Living Planet and involved in the study, described most males as “behaviorally bisexual.” Clive added that the variation in same-sex activity appeared to be heritable, suggesting an evolutionary basis. He also noted that males who engaged in same-sex mounting were more likely to support each other in conflicts, implying potential social benefits associated with same-sex sexual activity.
Clive expressed hope that these results would facilitate further discoveries in this area. The lead researcher, Professor Vincent Savolainen, stated that their mission was to advance scientific understanding of same-sex behavior, exploring the benefits it offers in nature and animal societies.
Professor Savolainen emphasized that over two-thirds of the monkeys displayed same-sex behavior, strengthening the bonds within their community. He further pointed out the unfortunate persistence of beliefs that consider same-sex behavior as unnatural, noting that some countries still enforce the death penalty for homosexuality. The research underscores the widespread occurrence of same-sex behavior among non-human animals, seeking to contribute to a better understanding of its significance.
It is worth noting that same-sex behavior has been observed in thousands of different animal species, although there are various theories to explain it, limited data currently supports these hypotheses.
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