In June of 1978, a filmmaker named Gary Davis armed with a Bolex H16 camera and a cassette recorder, set out to document the Gay Pride Day celebrations in Washington D.C. The result was a unique two-roll documentary capturing the spirit of the LGBTQ+ community during a time when visibility was still a rarity. The clip opens with a man speaking about the GAA (Gay Activist Alliance) of Washington and the group’s plans to raise awareness around educating people on gay issues and what “gays are all about.” In addition to the visual footage, the documentary is accompanied by music from Casse Culver with the song “What We Gonna Do (About Anita),” adding an extra layer of emotion to the film. It is a must-watch video on the internet right now. #funny #talk #show #funnyshow #gay #lesbian #laugh #sexy #drag #iho #its #happeningout #itshappeningout