The perpetrators responsible for the murder of trans schoolgirl Brianna Ghey, identified as Scarlett Jenkinson and Eddie Ratcliffe, both 16, have been publicly named as they receive life sentences for their heinous crime. Mrs Justice Yip revealed their identities after lifting the anonymity order, given the severity of their actions.
Throughout the trial, the duo had been referred to as Girl X and Boy Y, with their disturbing shared interest in violence, torture, and serial killers highlighted during court proceedings. Their joint planning of “dark fantasies” was a chilling aspect discussed by the jury.
At the time of Brianna's tragic murder on February 11 last year, Jenkinson and Ratcliffe, both 15 then, had compiled a “kill list” that included four other teenagers.
During the sentencing at Manchester Crown Court, Brianna's father, Peter Spooner, expressed his devastation, describing Jenkinson and Ratcliffe as “pure evil.” In his victim impact statement, he remarked, “Now my world has been torn apart. Justice may have been done, but no amount of time in prison will be enough for these monsters. I cannot call them children because that makes them sound naive or vulnerable, which they are not – they are pure evil. Brianna was the vulnerable one.”